Propagation teacher holographic videoother 2016. 5. 16. 23:05
Make holographic videos and then spread the idea of the teacher's character, for instance, iyonghaeboja. Spread the teacher from Wikipedia Note: URL https://namu.wiki/w/%EC%A0%84%ED%8C%8C%EA%B5%90%EC%82%AC 1. Overview Artist: Takeshi Azuma Genre: school, teachers water Series: sustainability Weonjagin July 17, 2015, comic book based on the series was released in Korea, up to 2015 vol. 17, April ..
In the first half of March, hologram news collectionother 2016. 3. 14. 22:39
1. KT, K ' live ' program dedicated to expanding a hologram http://www.ddaily.co.kr/news/article.html?no=140978 2. get caught up in the hand like a fantasy ... KT, hologram shows show http://www.yonhapnews.co.kr/bulletin/2016/03/07/0200000000AKR20160307032800017.HTML?input=1195m 3. jaejoong hologram concert tickets sold out in 2 minutes to open GI yeom http://www.sportsseoul.com/news/read/365507..
Ray Lyons stockother 2016. 2. 29. 23:00
Will owner Ray Lyons events conspire analysis data.Electronic disclosure of I tried to write down the good material instead of securities in minutes. Ray appliance business2011-05-DR (Digital Radiography) bar co., Ltd. 's business headquarters founded by splitting the company to present material as far as the X-ray Detector, r & d, design, manufacture and sales of medical equipment manufacturing..
Ray Lyons stock analysisother 2016. 2. 29. 20:53
For the sake of our stock analysis disclosure due to conspiracy, Ray Please note that the analysis of the data.Scheduling the next ray of complicity is as follows. District minutesMy DragonAnnouncement dateOn March 24, 2016Company IROn March 22, 2016 Demand forecast dateOn March 24, 2016 ~ March 25 Inquiries to:-Ray Lyons (Tel: + 82-31-8015-6420) -Instead of securities, co., Ltd. (Tel: + 82-2-76..
Creating a four-sided pad holographic videoother 2016. 2. 25. 23:39
If the same pad 4 iPad, how to create a YouTube described the project a hologram. Make a CD case or a more sophisticated OPT into the glass will be able to see the screen. On YouTube "How To Make 3D BIG Hologram Projector" As You can search availability. https://youtu.be/6OBuwa8JQaA
Hotel Lotte co., analysisother 2016. 2. 15. 07:29
Lotte Hotel is a famous Hotel Lotte called let's analyze for enterprise. Conspiracy is a conspiracy precursors for approved events. Don't have a lot of published material by material composition. 1. Hotel Lotte business area Hotels and duty-free shops are the main business hotel is the advance guard of the export industries without smokestacks, as in 1973 on the occasion of the establishment of ..
People in the industry to startother 2016. 2. 15. 01:30
People in the industry to start Tweed sees those who need the start-up companies that have been reinterpreted. Please look at the Fed 1. find a way without people saying it's impossible "Impossible only means that you haven't found the solution yet" (impossible did not find a solution, yet underpowered as well.) 2. a systematic but can enjoy the day (unstructured work) who "Not if the canonicali..
TVROD stock analysisother 2016. 2. 14. 15:00
Creative management called let's analyze for loading. Conspiracy is a conspiracy precursors for approved events. Don't have a lot of published material by material composition. 1. creative road business area Management service called ' people ' tv as a cable TV broadcasting service, high-speed Internet and Internet phone services, commercial services business If you have a Subscriber market shar..