
  • [In the 1990s drama] August bride-SBS
    other 2016. 1. 23. 11:05

    In the 1990s, drama-August bride-SBS

    1. basic information

    The bride of August 7 August 1996-September 1996, 25 may, Thursday night weekly 21:55 is SBS mini-series that was aired on 16 trilogy.


    2. figures cast

    Kim Jung-Hyun: Joe cross station

    Kim Ji-Ho: the young station

    Park sang-Ah: Hye-won station

    Park, an integer:

    Hyung Jun: Korea railway station

    This Hun: Vols ticket station

    Gala: Nam-Kyu station

    Dong-hwan: Mundo Sun station

    Chung young-sook: min Merrick station

    Choi Sung-Kuk:


    3. plot

    26 years ago, is a short, but end up unfulfilled love Jin-Kyung (Kim Ji-Ho) and Jae-min (Gala) they are young (Kim Ji-Ho) and Nam-Kyu (Gala) named reopens. 26 years old till I live different lives moreuncae kite young and Ashleigh. Sudden rains have forgotten all memories of a young have been in distress. I've been traveling with companions is Nam-Kyu sang-Woo (Kim Jung-Hyun) is transferred to the hospital by discovering the spirit and the mind in the hospital doldrums, Helix is a young dying to meet the Republic of Korea. He is the father of the Republic of Korea to the edge to stay at home, lagoon, which ...


    (Pole saw Lee DEOK-Jae, directed by munjeongsu) is 26 years ago, married ... Past friends of the protagonist made them die, finally he will plot the value of the sin.


    4. free available one

    SBS ALL VOD : http://www.sbs.co.kr/allvod/vodMain.do


    * Note: Wikipedia: Ghost

    * Note: SBS ALL VOD



    * Note: Wikipedia: Ghost

    * Note: SBS ALL VOD

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