[AdSense] click fraud prevention Google Publisher Toolbarother 2016. 1. 17. 10:13
Google AdSense click fraud prevention, let's know about the Google toolbar installed.
Click fraud occurs when you click offset-> account suspended-> account closure of trick progression.
I've been account suspended.
The damage of the party line in order to stop Google publishing through the installation of the toolbar click Shea this aggregation would be ridiculously.
1. Google Google Publisher Toolbar search
2. CROM, directly from Google Toolbar search and install the Publisher
3. after the installation is complete, the icon on the right below: and.
4. use advertising related information check
-Google AdSense in throwing away and Google
-Visit to how much actual revenue it right how much show
5. when the button is pressed, select a site and my blog address if you insert into the Green ad, as shown below.
'other' 카테고리의 다른 글
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